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Okay this book was hilarious in parts and the MC isn‘t the most likable person. But he reminded me of someone I know and how they deal with the world. And although the ending wasn‘t what I wanted exactly, it was realistic and I was content with that.I gave this book four stars!
Grief can be experienced differently for everyone and that can be compounded when the loss could have never happened if not for addiction. Lots of emotion and stages of grief throughout this book. Gayle Forman is an auto-read for me so I didn't even know what the story was about until I started it. The storyline is a lot grittier and complex then the simplistic (younger reader?) cover depicts but could be great for discussion.
A terrific ode to bookstores and booksellers, with some romance, bro-mance, and humor. Inclusive of the non-binary and disabled community. Forman treats addiction lightly but seriously, and I admit I shed a tear at the end. YA, but totally adult-appropriate.
This isn‘t a teen romance as the cover implies. It‘s about grief, loss, and anger. It‘s about community and the vulnerability it takes to depend upon others. It‘s about healing and hope through the eyes of a broken man. That‘s all mixed with humor and a passion for books & music.
“I continue reading, remembering why I used to love books. Because they show us, in so many words, and so many worlds, that we are not alone. A miracle, in 26 letters.”
Beautiful yet sad!
I absolutely LOVED all the bookish references and the fact that each chapter was titled after a book. Such realistic characterisation, which showed the inner conflict of the protagonist so well. Of course, the story will make you cry, laugh and reflect at many points.
Another thing I really liked is that the story has multiple layers to it. Not so straightforward. This may seem like a love-story but is much deeper than that.
This was something I went into thinking it would be a light read about a failing bookshop. I could not be more wrong. However, I am thankful it was not what my original expectations were. The second part was correct, but it was so much more. To read the rest of my review😊 ➡️➡️https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/4046012724
I cannot decide which book to start next. I have uhmmed and aahed all weekend, when I really should (and now will) do what I always tell my students: read the first chapter of each and see which grabs you (me). D‘uh. #junerso2021 #preview #digital #romance