Do you really know what you are drinking? Are you sure? We all consume many drinks every day, often without thinking. Perhaps we're just thirsty, perhaps we need something to wake us up, perhaps we need something to relax us at the end of the day. But have you ever stopped to wonder what exactly is in that chai latte you're guzzling or just what those added electrolytes in your bottled water are supposed to do? Whether it's a simple glass of water or early morning espresso, the finest champagne or energy drink the morning after, all drinks have an impact on our body in one way or another. Drinkology distils the scientific evidence to see if we can get to the bottom of questions, such as: Is a regular glass of wine good for our health or not? Should we worry about energy drinks? Is fluoride in our tap water harmful? How do non-dairy milks compare with each other? What's the secret to the perfect cup of tea? Are fermented drinks and probiotics the answer to all our worries? Is there such a thing as a 'superdrink'? Whether you want to discover the true benefits of wellness drinks, find out if sulphites in wine really cause headaches, or are just sick of the pseudoscience behind the marketing of what we consume, this book is for you. Drinkology is a scientific digest of many of the world's most popular beverages and may just change the way you drink.
(less)Do you really know what you are drinking? Are you sure? We all consume many drinks every day, often without thinking. Perhaps we're just thirsty, perhaps we need something to wake us up, perhaps we need something to relax us at the