The third novel in Sandhya Menon's Dimple Met Rishi universe, 10 Things I Hate about Pinky, is another brilliant YA romance. This one focuses on Pinky, the wild daughter of two straight-laced, serious attorneys, and Samir, the conservative, home-schooled son of a widowed mother. The two know each other tangentially, through Ashish (protagonist of There's Something about Sweetie), but neither is the other's biggest fan. ⬇️
Pinky--on vacation with her parents, her aunt and uncle, and her perfect cousin Dolly--has been blamed (falsely) by her mother for a horrible accident at their vacation home, and she's ready to prove that she's not what her mother thinks. ⬇️ 4y
The plan, of course, goes astray when Pinky and Samir come to know each other beyond their surface differences. ⬇️ 4y
This novel is fun, smart, and so, so sweet. Menon is an auto-buy author for me.⠀ 4y