I Am Another You | Priya Kumar
I AM ANOTHER YOU is a story of breakthroughs. Powerful,Life changing breakthroughs !! You start this journeywith the author, years ago, trying to escape from a worldthat did not feel right. You travel with her in thismagical journey to the Netherlands where she learns thegreatest lessons of her life by taking part in someamazing processes in the tradition of the ancientspiritual masters and healders who help her realize thatthe only place where wrong is 'rightened' is within.There is nothing wrong with the world outside if we sortout the world inside. There are some stories thateveryone relates to, because they involve you throughthoughts and feelings that are universal. This is such astory. A life purpose for example, is something each ofus is looking for. A desire to achieve more from life andlive at a higher self, is something everyone wants. Aspiritual inclination to seek deeper, beyond materialfulfillment, each of us pursues sooner or later. Thereare numerous places in the book where you find yourselfstopping, drawing paralles to your own life and findinganswers.