A fun middle grade eco-horror that takes place right here in BC. I lost a smidge of enthusiasm when I realized late last night it was going to end on a cliffhanger.
A fun middle grade eco-horror that takes place right here in BC. I lost a smidge of enthusiasm when I realized late last night it was going to end on a cliffhanger.
He followed her gaze. It was a doodle, really. A curling vine with little bulging sacs, and sprigs of dark berries.
Just like the black vines.
His mouth went dry.
“When did you do this?” Anaya asked.
He said, “At least six months ago.”
This book was bananas, and entirely too much fun. Lucky @LittleMouse5708 got to listen to my periodic updates with every bizarre plot twist... 🤣 I'm definitely going to continue reading the series. It's one of those rare books that successfully toes the line between middle grade and YA in a way that would appeal to both demographics
It‘s been a looooong week, but this super fun audiobook is getting me through!
I have finished this book and I really like it. The action is just the perfect amount, and I feel like we have enough information about the characters to really feel what they're feeling. This book was written really well.
I forgot about reading this until I got a Zoom reminder on Tuesday that our YA bookclub was the following night. I started reading it after supper and didn‘t stop until the end. Can‘t remember the last time that happened but I guess a kick in the pants works. It‘s a middle school near-future adventure that happens to fit well with our current pandemic mood, even though the scare is of a different sort. 1st in a trilogy. #canadianauthor
Having a botanist father did not mean their front yard was a wonderland of sculpted bushes, exotic flowers and ornamental trees. Quite the opposite. Dad never paid the yard one bit of attention. He was more of a weed man. Their yard was definitely one of the weediest going.
(Photo: my front garden last summer)
A fantastically creepy, wonderful science fiction adventure for middle grade readers. After a sudden rainfall, the entire world erupts in black grass, vines, & water lily like plants which grow & spread uncontrollably. And then they start attacking, & even eating, people. Three kids prove to be resistant to the plants‘ toxic pollen & spearhead an effort to fight back. Lots of twists & turns & the promise of two more books. An entertaining read.
First there‘s a downpour & then mysterious black plants appear & start to spread...& then they keep spreading overrunning everything. Better yet? Their toxic pollen. A trio of kids seemingly immune to the plants must work together if they have any hope of stopping the invasion. Great premise right? Oppel is a wonderful author & masterful storyteller so I‘m going with his most recent MG book next. (My son tells me it‘s good & he knows good books.)
I have read quite a few Oppel books. They are all great so I am looking forward to this one.
Out Today
Today on the blog Haley is super excited to share her review of Bloom by @kenneth.oppel (spoiler alert, she loved it!)
Thank you @netgalley and @penguinrandomhouse for the eARC!
Check out her thoughts and preorder your copy today!
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