A Flag for our Country written by Eve Spencer is a great collection for our class library. It is a NF book which can be used as a RA or S especially on Flag Day! This book is all about the flag and Betsy Ross life when making the flag.
AlyssaB An UDL strategy is 1.1 which offers ways of customizing the display of information. An ESOL strategy would be 9 which teaches note-taking strategies about the facts of the first flag. A resource would be http://www.loc.gov/teachers/tps/quarterly/critical_thinking/pdf/elementary_activ... which allows you to compare and contrast the first flag to our current. #UCFLAE3414F19 5y
DrSpalding The Library of Congress is such a high-quality resource. Continue to use this in your future classes as a resource for incorporating not only language arts but social studies. I like the idea of a storytelling because you would be able to use this each year prior to your students going on summer break and experiencing Flag Day! 5y
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