Written by Kirsten Anderson and illustrated by Ted Hammond, Who is Judy Blume? dives into the life of one of the most beloved authors of all time whose books often get banned. This B would be the perfect book to help children with an AS. #UCFLAE3414F19
JRone The lesson plan, https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/lesson-plans/teaching-content/judy-blume-aut... uses Judy Blume's books to figure out the type of writer she is. It also allows students to conduct their own author study and list fun and interesting facts about Judy Blume. 5y
JRone UDL strategy 8.3 Foster collaboration and community goes along with the lesson plan. Students working together on author studies encourage the collaboration aspect. ESOL strategy #5 Teach technical vocabulary supporting key concepts would be helpful because an EL student might need clarification on some of the vocabulary words used to describe Judy Blume. 5y
Tinks Haven't read this book, but I love the author. 5y
DrSpalding I love these books much like I like Melzer‘s biographies for children. Add them to your classroom library for your middle grade students. 5y
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