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A God in Every Stone
A God in Every Stone | Kamila Shamsie
7 posts | 7 read | 15 to read
In the summer of 1914 a young Englishwoman, Vivian Rose Spencer, joins an archaeological dig in Turkey, fulfilling a long-held dream. Working alongside Germans and Turks, she falls in love with archaeologist Tahsin Bey and joins him in his quest to find an ancient silver circlet. But the outbreak of war in Europe brings her idyllic summer to a sudden end, and her new friends become her nation's enemies.Thousands of miles away, twenty-year-old Pathan Qayyum Gul is learning about brotherhood and loyalty in the British Indian army. When he loses an eye in battle and is sent to England to recuperate, his allegiances falter.Returning home at last, Qayyum shares a train carriage with Vivian Rose, whose continued search for the circlet has led her to Peshawar in the heart of the British Raj. Many years later, the two cross paths again, and their loyalties will be tested once more amidst massacres, cover-ups, and the disappearance of a young man they both love.
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A God in Every Stone | Kamila Shamsie

In the middle of reading this. Very unrealistic, doesn't have depth except for the soldiers stories.

A God in Every Stone | Kamila Shamsie
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What moves one to pick a Shamsie book? Masochism. Pure and simple.

I kid, it's because of her flourishing narratives that masterfully travels generations, even centuries. Because her characters are compelling. Because you gotta know what happens. Because like it or not, you kind of hope she rewrites history to a happy ending which of course, she does not.

But certainly read it for Viv, Qayyum, Najeeb and certainly for Diwa.

whimsy The stickers on the cover are unfortunate but I got this as a second-hand so the adhesion might have dried on the cover and I'm afraid of damaging it further. 6y
whimsy I want to talk about that circlet. So the fabled artifact was eventually found in the 20th century but it was lost again due to the horrifying bazaar massacre. But to whom does the circlet belong to really? Recently read about the British Museum considering on loaning Ethiopian artifacts to, get this, an Ethiopian museum. By rights they should e 6y
whimsy *be returned (blah, Litsy please have an edit comment feature) to the land the treasures were looted from but there were people going, but the original owners are long dead! What's the point? Same as the circlet I suppose, does it really belong to a museum any more than it does to the tomb of a little girl who could have changed the world had it not extinguished her as she blazed in the fires of revolution? 6y
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A God in Every Stone | Kamila Shamsie
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Loooooove unexpected finds at the second-hand bookstore.

A God in Every Stone | Kamila Shamsie
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#readingwomenmonth #booksbymuslimwomen
I really enjoyed this novel which was a multi layered story of india pre independence focussing on a notorious massacre by British forces. Pakistani born the author is adept at crafting a work of historical fiction and this thread reminds to read her other works.

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A God in Every Stone | Kamila Shamsie
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Look what arrived in the mail today! Shamsie is one of my 3 favorite living authors, I can't wait to dig in! 👀📖

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A God in Every Stone | Kamila Shamsie
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Read this fascinating novel, about a female British archaeologist who falls in love with a Turkish man on the eve of WWI, in one sitting. Shamsie is a brilliant writer.

LeeRHarry At the top of my TBR pile - I loved Burnt Shadows 😊 8y
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