Is the earth a living, self-regulating organism?
This is one I had to take my time with. A bit technical at times, but an interesting read.
Is the earth a living, self-regulating organism?
This is one I had to take my time with. A bit technical at times, but an interesting read.
#MayTBR #ReadingResolutions @Jess7
So, I have 9 books on my currently reading shelf on Goodreads. Pictured above are 6 that I would really like to finish (or flee!). I doubt I‘ll manage it this month, but if I try real hard I could finish 4/6. Otherland is going to take a long time yet (I‘m only 25% of 777pages) and King Arthur is for my son and we are reading something else. Which reminds me, that book isn‘t on that shelf yet, so that makes 10!
Okay, I'm not 100% sure I follow where his brain went for the epilogue, but that the Earth is a finely tuned system from the geology to the biology, I have no doubt. It's amazing how many of these processes are now taught as fact, divorced from the Gaia concept -- but as a way of visualising the biosphere, I'm pretty in line with Gaia.
I did not expect to find myself agreeing with so much of this. I guess it depends how he ties it up at the end, but right now I follow his points and agree.
Reading some Oxford Landmark Science books! Also, since I am not home with wife and bunny, was safe to light candles!