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The Glassblower of Murano
The Glassblower of Murano | Marina Fiorato
2 posts | 9 read | 4 to read
Venice, 1681. Glassblowing is the lifeblood of the Republic, and Venetian mirrors are more precious than gold. Jealously guarded by the murderous Council of Ten, the glassblowers of Murano are virtually imprisoned on their island in the lagoon. But the greatest of the artists, Corradino Manin, sells his methods and his soul to the Sun King, Louis XIV of France, to protect his secret daughter. In the present day his descendant, Leonora Manin, leaves an unhappy life in London to begin a new one as a glassblower in Venice. As she finds new life and love in her adoptive city, her fate becomes inextricably linked with that of her ancestor and the treacherous secrets of his life begin to come to light.
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The Glassblower of Murano | Marina Fiorato
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My cousin and I did a glass fusing class last night (they have to be fired so we‘ll get them midweek). Def a new arts and crafts experience for me, mine are the 2 on the left, I can‘t wait to see once they are cooked!

#wintergames2021 #mistletoemaniacs

Karisa So pretty! 3y
Clwojick That sounds like so much fun! 3y
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Glassblower of Murano | Marina Fiorato
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This was a great beach read that I picked up on a whim at a library book sale. Set in Venice, the book has a dual time line. Corradino is a renowned glassblower in 1600s Venice who is embroiled in political intrigue of the time and Nora is his descendant in modern day Venice carrying on the family tradition while looking into secrets of her ancestor‘s past. As I won‘t be visiting Venice anytime soon, this book transported me there in its own way.