Horror novels to get your freak on 😂 This might be more #TeamStoker, but I had to post anyways! #scarathlon
Horror novels to get your freak on 😂 This might be more #TeamStoker, but I had to post anyways! #scarathlon
Hahahah! The library closest to my house had the saddest book displays. I see some of you guys posting these elaborate displays, and my library just can‘t be bothered. Lol. The one on the other side of town is way nicer... but maybe I‘m just biased since I got married there. 😉🤫 #TeamSlaughter
Returning these books to the library, and picking up some more for #Scarathlon! I‘m hoping to cross off some more #BBRC reads, so I might pick up some YAs and Middlegrade as well. #TeamSlaughter
I love our public library! I was thrilled to see that they rent out fishing poles for kids to use. This is such a wonderful thing for families to be able to access, especially if they can‘t afford to buy fishing equipment themselves. I also laughed and this bucket. “Did your kiddo put a toy in their mouth? Put it in the bin and we‘ll clean it!” That‘s brilliant!