Heart wrenching and full of emotional plot twist had my feelings rocking back and forth. I wished for a different outcome in parts of the book, but much as with real life, you can‘t always get what you want.
Heart wrenching and full of emotional plot twist had my feelings rocking back and forth. I wished for a different outcome in parts of the book, but much as with real life, you can‘t always get what you want.
I‘m going to read this book because I miss the special person who gave this to me. I hope he feels the same way 🥺
Last question for this month's book:
Do you agree with Braden's decision on his testimony in court? Why or why not?
#fyabookclub #mayfyabc
Question time!
Braden's church community is tightly knit in an already small town. Did you get the impression that anyone realized Mart was abusive, or was his public image enough to protect him?
#fyabookclub #mayfyabc
Question time:
CONVICTION explores some highly divisive topics and themes very much at play in our current world, including racism, religion, immigration and sexual orientation. Did you feel that the story offered a thoughtful portrait of these issues? And which themes in particular did you find the most or least compelling?
#fyaboockclub #mayfyabc
New month—new book!
Let's kick things off with an icebreaker:
Braden has a promising career in baseball and works hard to achieve his potential. Did you play sports as a teen or have any extracurriculars with the possibility of "going pro"? Did you feel any of the pressures that Braden experienced?
#fyabookclub #mayfyabc
I really liked the plot of this book, but I felt that the characters were all kind of flat. They had so many opportunities to grow and change, but they just never really did.
A story about secrets and lies and family and how all of it will and does shape the person you are and become. Completely devastating but a good read with lots of twists and turns.
I don't know if this is good or not. Also apparently I'm behind since I've only finished one book this weekend. 😱 Take the quiz! https://www.buzzfeed.com/farrahpenn/we-know-what-type-of-book-nerd-you-are?utm_t...
I think it will take some time for my stomach to untwist all the knots this book tied it in. I wanted to reach in and pull Braden out and make it all better. Is this story especially new? Not really. It is perfectly paced and well written and sucked me in entirely.
Started this last night. If I could take a road trip to finish it, I would.