A fascinating look at the many ways in which epilepsy can present and how it is treated. If you liked Unthinkable, by Helen Thomson, then you might like this as well.
A fascinating look at the many ways in which epilepsy can present and how it is treated. If you liked Unthinkable, by Helen Thomson, then you might like this as well.
Apparently I de-stress by reading medical memoirs and non-fiction. Glad the library bought this at my request (inspired by @shanaqui 😊).
I found this very interesting, and rather affecting as well. I found myself tearing up! It's not all sob stories about patients, but there's definitely a human interest angle rather than it being purely about the science of epilepsy -- which is as you'd expect, I think, from the cover copy; no surprises that it involves a lot of discussions of actual cases.
I did noooot realise the complex different ways that epilepsy can present. Feelings of anxiety? Temporary psychosis?? It makes total sense now I know, but... For a minute I was surprised.
Early bed with a book tonight. Sushi's got long arms, so she holds the book for everyone.
It's books for comfort time again... I'm already halfway through one of these!
I'm getting so susceptible in my old age. 😂 This book has made me tear up 3-4 times already. The brain is just so stunningly weird, and yet we're learning so much about it.