Reading during our 4 hour road trip.
Amazing. I kept waiting for the narrator to betray herself and start conforming to the general opinion of how to be, behave and react, but she never did. Beautifully written and perfectly structured.
Some balcony reading before we go find ourselves a spot by the water. This book is AMAZING! It might even get 5 stars, something that never happens with me. Bohman is a genius that writes with excruciating honesty. I think your translation was mediocre, @batsy , because the original Swedish is impeccable!
Airport reading again! Heading to Malta for one week, I'm bringing this book and my Kindle. 🤗
I loved this little book. An unnamed young woman tries to make sense of theories of feminism while living in reality, the loneliness that pushes her forward, the emergence of an overpowering sexual appetite, and a fierce intelligence that pulls her away from life as she has always known it.