A bit all over the place for me.
A bit all over the place for me.
Is it the end for human civilization? Have we waited too long to fix things like climate change? McKibben details several ways (climate change, destruction of biodiversity, artificial intelligence and genetic engineering to name a few) that the "human game" aka the human race might finally be finished. At times, its infuriating to read of the greedy, shortsighted people selling mankind's future for today's pleasures and comfort. 4 ???? 1/2
If you‘re like me, you will feel an instinctive desire to ignore how bad our situation is with regard to climate change. You think: technology will fix this, or hopefully I‘ll be dead when it‘s really bad. But Bill McKibben isn‘t going to let us off the hook; he gives an unflinching look at the mess we‘re in. This is an important book and required reading for anyone who wants to do their part to save our marvelous planet! 🌎 Face your fears! #botm