#bbrc #teenangst #seriesstart
This was a great quick read recapping the beginning of the novels. I cant wait to rreaad vol. 2
I never got into Twilight, I think it was mostly because I couldn‘t stand what little of the movie I‘ve seen and it just put me off the books even tho the books are right up my ally. So I‘m giving the graphic novel a try instead.
@Jennick2004 gave me this mug over the weekend and I tell you some days I feel like this 🤣
This was kinda a fun way to read these books!
STOP JUDGING ME. Shut up. I like Twilight. It‘s terrible and patriarchal and so frigging entertaining. The graphic novel is far from perfect, with choppy dialogue and jumpy plot points that come from compressing a long book into a shorter format, but I still liked it. The art was fitting for the most part, but I was super distracted by Bella looking like Sarah Michelle Gellar circa the Buffy era.
This was the first graphic novel I've read so I don't necessarily know if it was on par with others. I enjoyed it. I found it funny that the illustrator was able to capture Bella's dead expression like Kristen Stewart's in the movie. (She's a terrible actress.) However, it lacked emotion from feeling so rushed but I guess the point of a graphic novel is to be more visual. Twihard forever!
A photo in honor of the #twilightbuddyread I'm participating in!!
#stepheniemeyer #twilightvol1graphicnovel #twilightvol2graphicnovel
I hated both the movies and the Twilight book series but for some reason I love the graphic novels. Really beautiful art work.
Im a die-hard Harry Potter fan but that doesn't mean I have to hate the Twilight saga🦄