“Potluck,” a realistic fiction (RF) children‘s book written by Anne Shelby and illustrated by Irene Trivas presents the alphabet through different foods that guests bring to a potluck.
Killianfig Due to the use of letter symbols as well as alliteration, visual and auditory teaching strategies such as UDL strategies 2.3, 1.2, and 1.1 as well as ESOL strategies 14 and 17 would be great tools in creating visual connections between letters and the sounds they make. 6y
Killianfig The variety of characters that the story presents as well as the amazing watercolor illustrations encourages group reading strategies including Storytelling (S), Dramatic Reenactments (DR), Reader‘s Theater (RT), Read Alouds (RA) and Literature Cirlces (LC). 6y
Killianfig Here‘s a great lesson plans that asks students higher-level thinking questions about the text: https://www.hplct.org/assets/uploads/files/Activities-Potluck.pdf 6y
Killianfig #lae3414sp19 6y
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