The Non-Fiction (NF) information book “SPY” published by Eyewitness Books and written by Richard Platt is a perfect combination of intriguing, well-organized information all about spies with plenty of amazing picture graphics that support what is being explained in the text.
Killianfig The high-level vocabulary as well as the historical background of spies explained in the text greatly exercise ESOL strategies 5, 11, 24. UDL strategies 2.1 and 3.1 can also be used to explain elevated vocabulary in the and explain more specifically the historical specifics the text describes. 6y
Killianfig The overall richness of the text would prove to be a great tool during Shared Reading (SR) and Independent Reading (IR) strategies. I can so picture this book being used in a mystery unit as there is so much realitisic information that students can become inspired by and then incorporate into their own mystery stories. 6y
Killianfig The idea of creating mystery stories through the facts presented in “Spy” would fit perfectly into any kind of Storytelling (S), Reader‘s Theater (RT), and Read Aloud (RA) exercises in which students can present their original stories to the class. Here is a lesson plan that throughly explains all concepts of what makes a mystery: http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/lesson-plans/what-mystery-expl... I 6y
Killianfig #lae3414sp19 6y
DrSpalding This is a very cool book that could be integrated into social studies and science! 6y
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