Book: Violet and Claire
Author: Catherynne M. Valente (did I use her for C already? Oh well!)
Movie: Velvet Goldmine
Food: vegan ice cream
#manicmonday #letterv
Book: Violet and Claire
Author: Catherynne M. Valente (did I use her for C already? Oh well!)
Movie: Velvet Goldmine
Food: vegan ice cream
#manicmonday #letterv
1. Treats!
2. I dressed as Claire once. I had faerie wings, a Tinkerbell cut-out pinned to my shirt, and jeans.
3. The Nightmare Before Christmas!
4. We haven‘t carved it yet, so here‘s a baby in a pumpkin.
@TheFunkyBookworm When you said “favorite book in middle or high school,” I knew what I had to pick! My best friend and I were obsessed with this book. We loved all of Francesca Lia Block‘s books, but we related to this one so hard. It‘s actually the origin of the “Clare” that I still go by! I should have paid more attention to the fact that the description of Claire‘s love interest reminded me of my high school boyfriend… #YAWednesday
#wegotogether like rama lama lama ka dinga ka ding da dong
Remembered forever as shoo-bop shawadawada yippidy boom de boom
We're one of a kind like dip dadip dadip doo-wop a dooby do
Our names are signed boogity boogity boogity boogity shoo be so wop she bop
This book always makes me think of my best friend. We read it together and really identified with the characters. We were also in Grease in our community theater group later 😁#jubilantjuly
'She took something out of her pocket; it was a little glass vial and she told me it was a flower remedy.
"Holly for vexations of the heart. Rock rose for states of panic. Sweet chestnut for despair. Star of Bethlehem for grief or trauma." She sounded like Ophelia.'
"Moments later we were dancing wildly together. There is nothing so good almost as dancing with a great girl dancer. It seems so much more natural than dancing with some stiff guy who won't look you in the eye. If he's shy he'll watch the walls and if he's an asshole he'll ogle your tits, but a great girlfriend dancer will look at you with the knowledge that between you, you are weaving a magic circle where beauty and music live."
music in Francesca Lia Block books was like an adolescent girl love treasure map