🎧 Fantastical … not what I was expecting from HGW! I really enjoyed this. Good narrator. Antigravity 😁 short, interesting & fun.
🎧 Fantastical … not what I was expecting from HGW! I really enjoyed this. Good narrator. Antigravity 😁 short, interesting & fun.
I have no idea if this book was meant to be funny but it is hilarious. The First Men in the Moon - HG Wells
Book 6 of the year, finished Jan 21. Audio.
I like Wells' writing in general, this was certainly an interesting story. I enjoy old Sci-fi quite a bit, Wells had a pretty good grasp of the over all picture of the future, even when he was wrong about how exactly we wound up where we are.
So-so rating as I don't know if this will become a staple for me. Definitely worth the read, I may or may not re-read in the future.
Dr Cavor, scientist on the brink of developing a material that blocks gravity.a journey to the moon. With Bedford motivated by money, and Cavor by the desire for knowledge, the two embark on the expedition. But neither are prepared for what they find - a world of freezing nights, boiling days and sinister alien life, on which they may be trapped forever.
👽🖖 This sounds AWESOME! 😍 Yes please!!
There are those science fiction books that are eerie in their depictions of a future so close to what would be. And then there are the stories about bug creatures that live in the caves of the moon. This is one of the latter.
It's still a great adventure though. An eccentric scientist and scheming businessman explore the moon thanks to a remarkable new invention. Give it a try in Serial Reader!