Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
I read about this book in NYT Book Review and I just had to order it. I can‘t wait to dig into this. A German‘s POV working for Amazon. From the first page, Heike is honest and raw. “From now on, that which kills us is our constant companion; that much I can say.” This is gonna be a crazy read.
A depressing and stifling account of a woman who ends up working in one of the dreaded Amazon warehouses. It‘s quite readable but experimental in form, the perfect blend for me. Read it because it‘s important to read translations. And read it for a very intellectual—and triggering even—take on consumerism, capitalism, exploitation, dehumanization... Hey I said it was depressing.
Is all this a matter of life and death? I‘ll say no for the moment and come back to the question later. At that point, I‘ll say: not directly, but in a way yes. It‘s a matter of how far death is allowed into our lives. Or the fatal, that which kills us. To be precise: compared with that which kills us, death is nothing but an innocent waif. Or: death, compared to that which kills us, is a gentleman with good manners and a shy look in his eye.