This TL book written by Frances Minters and illustrated by G. Brian Karas is a modern retelling of Cinderella. In this version, Elly is invited to a basketball game, but her older sisters prevent her from going because she is too young. When her godmother comes and persuades her to go with new clothes and glass shoes, she heads off and meets a basketball player while in disguise. #UCFLAE3414F19
JennaMichelleCohn A good ESOL strategy here would be 11, “place language in a meaningful context,” since the vocabulary places a big part in the setting and differs greatly from the original version due to this. UDL 3.2, “highlight patterns, critical features, big ideas, and relationships,” would work here as well for the same reasons. This story would be great for RA, S, and DR. 5y
JennaMichelleCohn https://betterlesson.com/lesson/511990/cinder-elly-day-1-of-cinderella-unit this lesson plan is simple, but serves as the beginning of a unit focusing on “different perspectives on the same story,” and helps students to “analyze text of a different version of a familiar story.” 5y
DrSpalding You are right! This book, being traditional literature or I should say a variant of traditional literature would work well as a read aloud, storytelling or dramatic reenactment. Excellent universal design and English learner alignment to your teaching strategies and helpful resource. 5y