All That's Left of Me is free today on Amazon to any Prime members. Sounds like an interesting book and has great reviews!
All That's Left of Me is free today on Amazon to any Prime members. Sounds like an interesting book and has great reviews!
Borris, reading, and journaling...a purrrfect end to the night.... speaking of cats, has any of you read The Dark Yule: A Pumpkin Spice Tale? I read the free excerpt on my Kindle and am thinking of buying it as it‘s been making me laugh (now I know why Borris does some of the weird stuff she does 😋) but am undecided. Any thoughts?
#longweekend means lots of reading!!
Also, 50 books read for the year!! #goodreadsreadingchallenge
I've been reading a lot of contemporaries which are usually a quick read... I'll be reading lots more fantasy in the coming months which usually takes longer so the book count will probably slow down.. current goal is to read 75 books this year!
Starting my next read! Sounds interesting...
#netgalley #allthatsleftofme