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Where We Go from Here
Where We Go from Here | Bernie Sanders
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Senator Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign was a beginning, not an end. In his new book, America's most popular political figure speaks about what he's been doing to oppose the Trump agenda and strengthen the progressive movement and how we go forward as a nation.
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Where We Go from Here | Bernie Sanders
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Took Bernie with me to work today. I have been happy to have his assistance because it has actually been pretty busy at the library today.

Where We Go from Here | Bernie Sanders
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Right out of the gate, Sanders's book was on a whole other level compared to the other's I've read so far (with the exception of Warren) when it comes to plan making and political intelligence. This also showcases that Bernie is a humble guy, who would rather see real change than get credit, in how he worked with HC after the loss of the 2016 primaries and how he works across the aisle wit Republicans.

Emilymdxn Love his writing! Pity I‘m from the wrong country I‘d love to vote for him! 5y
MelissaSue81 I also really enjoyed the part about him helping other progressive candidates get to Congress. 5y
LoverofLit @Emilymdxn I'll think of you when I vote ❤ 5y
LoverofLit @MelissaSue81 I really did as well! 5y
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Where We Go from Here | Bernie Sanders
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Two #readthecandidates reviews going live on http://www.TheBibliophage.com this week. Bernie is up first. This covers a bit from 2015 and 2106, but mostly focuses on his activities from 2016 until mid 2018. He reviews all the key progressive talking points, but doesn‘t dive especially deep in any of them. If you‘re leaning politically left, this is a good summary, directly from one of the leading candidates.


MelissaSue81 I liked this one. I was glad to hear that he‘s been fighting hard in the senate and I appreciate his work to get progressive candidates elected in 2018. 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @MelissaSue81 Agreed! I have been hunting for an inexpensive way to read a few more. Disappointed at how many are not in my libraries‘ collections. So I just ordered Castro, Booker, and Klobuchar from Thriftbooks. 😎 5y
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Where We Go from Here | Bernie Sanders
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Listening to this one now. Quite a shift from my last audiobook (IQ by Joe Ide). But I have to get back on the #readthecandidates train!

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Where We Go from Here | Bernie Sanders

Inauguration Day - “. As I left the capitol that day, I was angry. The country faced enormous problems that the American people wanted to see resolved. And I wanted to begin work on them. But under Trump and Republican leadership I knew there was no way that would happen. Instead we would have to spend at least the next two years in a defensive mode, preventing bad situations from becoming worse.”

Where We Go from Here | Bernie Sanders
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Determined to finish this book before the end of February. What shall my next read be?

Where We Go from Here | Bernie Sanders
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I just can‘t help liking Bernie. This was basically just a run down of what he‘s been working on since the 2016 election. #ReadtheCandidates.

Where We Go from Here | Bernie Sanders
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Even though he‘s not officially running yet, my audio hold came in for Bernie‘s new book, so I‘m listening. I was all in on Bernie in 2016, even waited in the pouring rain for 4 hours to see him speak. I think the party needs to go another direction this time around, but gosh I can‘t help liking him, in spite of myself. #ReadTheCandidates

Gaylagal2 I did not support him in 2016, but I really and truly like this man. 🤓🤙 6y
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Where We Go from Here | Bernie Sanders
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Just under an hour of reading time on Friday. 😥 Darn work getting in the way.

Moony Saturday will be better! I only read one and a half hour yesterday. One page is more than zero page! 6y
booklover76 I wish. I have to work all weekend . At least tonight I get off at a reasonable time 6y
BeansPage That's okay sweetie. Keep up the good work you are doing great! 🤗💕 6y
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Where We Go from Here | Bernie Sanders
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Debating checking these out from my work. They just came in, and I‘m very tempted, but this job has a short checkout period and I have so many other books I want to read that I‘m not sure I want to get this bogged down in political reading. And.. I must say, I am mystified as to why these books are cataloged in different sections, neither being the political science section. I would never make it as a cataloger. #ReadTheCandidates

MyNamesParadise I loved This Fight is Our Fight. It made me a Warren fan! I really like her! 6y
SleepyDragon The Warren book is more about socio-economic issues than politics, if that helps. 6y
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Where We Go from Here | Bernie Sanders
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Read the last few pages of this in a gorgeous little polish dumpling shop!! Warsaw is amazing pics to follow

A heartening, reasonable, optimistic book about grassroots politics and the future in America, but it gave me a lot of hope in Britain as well as so much is applicable in both countries.

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Where We Go from Here | Bernie Sanders
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5.17am at a very dark station waiting for a late train 😨 still got a cough but doing better, and excited for my warsaw adventure once I manage to get to the airport (and hopefully stop coughing). My sweet boyfriend has gone to buy me a muffin and orange juice and I have Bernie Sanders with me.

Probably my last trip to Europe from within the EU??

Jee_HookedOnBookz Have fun!! 6y
rockpools Enjoy Poland! 6y
SW-T @Emilymdxn Enjoy your trip! Hope your cough clears soon. 6y
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Kalalalatja Have a great trip! 6y
Sarah83 Have a great time 😍 6y
Marina_h Have a great trip! I would love to see Warsaw 6y
BarbaraBB Have a great trip and what an unbelievable idea you won‘t be EU next time 🥺 6y
Kaye Nice to have a kindle handy on those waits isn‘t it? 6y
Weaponxgirl Have a good trip. 6y
saresmoore Oh, sad to think about the EU! I hope your trip is restful, rejuvenating, and full of unexpected delights. 6y
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Where We Go from Here | Bernie Sanders
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Lunch break 😊 still feeling ill but I‘ve cancelled the audition I was meant to have tonight so I can just go home and rest and pack before my flight tomorrow. I‘m leaving the house at 5am 😨 so want to be on my best form!

I don‘t feel appalling and I hope I can be a lot better tomorrow for Poland - I really want some time to recharge and I‘m grateful it‘s come now. Hand luggage only so I‘ll be having quality time with my kindle for 3 days!

LauraBeth Hope you‘re feeling better in the morning 💕 6y
Bklover Feel better!💛 6y
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Where We Go from Here | Bernie Sanders
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What with the state of Britain right now I‘ve lost the stomach to read fiction much recently. I miss it and hope I‘m able to go back to it soon, but non fiction is all I can make myself manage or I find myself putting down novels to scroll through the news again. I hope to be a diction reader again soon, but I‘ll keep ploughing through the non fiction on my kindle for now

BookBridget Great bookcases 6y
Emilymdxn @BookBridget thank you! They‘re overcrowded and a bit of a mess unfortunately I live in a very small room 6y
BarbaraBB I can imagine you keep bring distracted by British reality these days. I have no clue what will come of the brexit, all is so uncertain. 6y
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Weaponxgirl I‘ve been the same, except I was utterly unable to read for quite a while. Just a distracted picking up and not finishing anything. I‘m back on it again but only nonfiction is hitting the spot 6y
Emilymdxn @BarbaraBB I refresh the news every chance I get and it never gets any better, I just don‘t have any ideas anymore 6y
Emilymdxn @Weaponxgirl I know exactly how you feel, I struggle with motivation with fiction. I can do it by audio but find it harder written out 6y
Weaponxgirl @Emilymdxn brexit has really been getting me down and has led to my need for history binge. I need to see what people did in dark times. If you ever need to just have a brexit is shite whinge feel free to hit me up 6y
Emilymdxn @Weaponxgirl totally! I‘m in just the same place as you with history reading. I feel like every day is brexit whinge day for me 💔 6y
Weaponxgirl @Emilymdxn I‘ve been the same combined with omg I can‘t take it moments and burying my head in the sand. But we can be strong and get through this. 6y
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Where We Go from Here | Bernie Sanders
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Waiting to see the Bern 💙💙 #politicsandprose #booktalk

RaimeyGallant Wow! So lucky! 6y
AmyG Nice! 6y
Karkar He is a great speaker 6y
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Where We Go from Here | Bernie Sanders
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🇺🇸💪🤓📚❣ #BEA18 #LibrarianLife #WorkPerks #Nonfiction

My current situation...🇺🇸❣

Karkar I saw him speak here in Cincinnati. He was very motivating 6y
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