Working on some stuff
So it comes that Man, the coward, when he gathers to confer with his fellow-braves in council, dare not leave a place for her.
"This is the world of wretched, tasteless food and watery drinks, dreary and crowded lodgings, outrageous plumbing, surly cynicism, long queues, shocking hygiene and dismal, rain-lashed holidays, continually punctuated by rudeness and philistinism."
- Christopher Hitchens aptly sums up the England that produced George Orwell and Philip Larkin.
I always loved the Hitch and his marvellous way with words. I've read most of his books and essays, and regularly return to this collection. It's a permanent feature on my side table.
Such a strong, opinionated and more than a little controversial character. Like him or loathe him you cannot deny his command of the English language. His wit and his wisdom is sorely missed.
#riotgrams Day24: #rainbowbookstack
Almost forgot! My hasty pile-o-books. Pulled from my shelves and never read. If you squint that could be indigo and violet. Right?
This weekend's book haul ?? for those privileged few that know Latin, you'll enjoy a collection of Cicero's texts in the original language at the end of "How to Win an Argument". For those of us who don't, non grave est, we can still enjoy the English translation along with a brief introduction to each one