I don‘t speak Italian, but if you do, you can now get my third book, The Druid of Death, in that language.
I don‘t speak Italian, but if you do, you can now get my third book, The Druid of Death, in that language.
Still lookin for a few good backers. You get the book in advance, save $$ and help@a small indie press. Likes are nice, but backers are better. Thanks! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1229605719/the-merchant-of-menace-a-sherloc...
Help a fellow Litten out, if you‘re so inclined. @Richryan52 writes terrific Sherlockian mysteries. I loved the tagged book, and also had the chance to read an ARC of the book that‘s now a Kickstarter project. This new one also rocks and deserves to get published and promoted! Here‘s the link:
p.s. That‘s my Twitter feed above—hope it‘s clear. 🤪
I always love reading books that are both interesting and informative this hits that and more an easy day read that is worth it highly recommended
Finally received my copy of this book excited to read it but I have to finish my Red Book first 😋📖 @Richryan52
I hope no one minds but I just had to share this review with you https://mxpublishing.me/2018/12/10/the-sherlock-holmes-society-of-london-reviews...
I can honestly say that this is one of the best Sherlock Holmes pastiches I've read! From the gripping plot to the writing style - I enjoyed them all. A wonderful read!
Rating: 4🌟
For my full review please visit https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2610216270
@Richryan52 #sherlocked
Just remember Litens, there‘s nothing quite like Holmes for the holidays. If you‘d like a signed copy of Druid or any of my other books, let me know.
So humbled by this review of Druid!
I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good murder mystery or the great Sherlock Holmes adventure series. @Richryan52
Please read my full review here:
I just want to thank Barbara the Bibliophage and GripLitGrl for taking part in the blog tour for The Druid of Death and their very kind words!
I glad to be participating in the Blog Tour for this great Sherlock Holmes Mystery by @Richryan52
A must read for #SherlockHolmes fans 🔎
Check out my full review:
There‘s a blog tour happening for one of our own right now. @Richryan52 wrote a top-notch Holmes adventure, with all your favorite characters. And a murder or three to solve, of course. I loved all the references to Celtic and Druid influences, standing stones, and history too. The suspense is tangible, and the detection methodologies suitably quirky. I highly recommend this one!
Full review www.TheBibliophage.com
My latest Sherlock Holmes adventure, The Druid of Death, is now available in Amazon and at Barnes&Noble. So far the reviews have been very positive.
#BookMail received today! So excited to read this one. Thank you so much @Richryan52 🤗🤗🤗
You can try The Druid of Death for free! There are a few reviews at the bottom of the Audible page. Let me know what you think. https://www.audible.com/pd/B07G8LWBMP/?source_code=AUDFPWS0223189MWT-BK-ACX0-124...
I‘ve been reading this mystery from @Richryan52 for a day or two. I‘d really like a bit more time to read, because it‘s quite good. Look for my review on the BookTour—Sept 21.
#holmesian #druidofdeath #mystery #sherlockholmes #johnwatson #celtsanddruids #standingstones #ghastlymurders
Just saw that my account was set to private. No idea how that happened. Anyway, The Druid of Death is now available on Kindle and as an audiobook. The hardcover is due out September 17 and the paperback on October 17.
For those of you who prefer audio books, The Druid of Death is now available from Audible. The hardcover is due out September 17 and the paperback on October 17. It is available for preorder from Amazon, Barnes&Noble and at sherlockhomesbooks.com
I have to say, this story was quite the ride! I love Holmes, the Ripper, and murder mysteries so how could I pass up the opportunity to read this? it definitely lived up to the original Sherlock Holmes while telling a new tale. Watson and Holmes are investigating murders possibly commited by druids as sacrifices. But are they? And if not who would go to all the work to fake it? Definitely would add this as a favorite of 2018 @Richryan52
Spending some time on the porch reading while the dog gets some sun in. Its excruciatingly hot but I'm so into the book I cant put it down to get up yet
For Sherlock Holmes fans, The Druid of Death is now available on Kindle. The hardcover is due out September 17 and the paperback a month later.
A woman in the U.K. is assembling a blog tour for my newest Sherlock Holmes novel. Any bloggers who might be interested, please contact me. The book is due out in hardcover on September 17 and in paperback on October 18.
As suspected, this was a thrilling, fun story. @Richryan52 very capably writes Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson—the back-and-forth dialogue is fantastic. Additionally, the plot, clues, settings, and secondary characters are detailed succinctly and perfectly. Not a word is wasted. If you‘re a fan of Sherlock Holmes (or just a good thriller/mystery), this is definitely a book that you would enjoy. Best of luck. Mr. Ryan!
Going to start this copy I got early. I think it‘s going to be a lot of thrills and fun!
A woman is trying to set up a blog tour for my latest book. If any bloggers are interested in taking part, please let me know. Thanks!
Just a little more than a day left for The Druid of Death Kickstarter. Back this project and you get the book in June instead of September and you save a few bucks. Go to Kickstarter.com and search Druid of Death. I‘d really appreciate your support. Thanks!
Really flattered by this article that appeared this morning https://rycardus.wordpress.com/2018/04/25/the-druid-of-death/
Hey fellow Litens, time is running out on the Kickstarter for my latest book. It‘s due out in September but if you back it, you can get it in June and save a few bucks as well. If you can support this, I‘d really appreciate it. Just go to Kickstarter.com and search Druid of Death. Thanks so much!,
Just received my advance copies of The Druid of Death
For what it‘s worth, my latest book, The Druid of Death, is now listed on Litsy. It is due out Sept. 17 but you can get it sooner (June) by backing it on Kickstarter. Let me know if you like the cover.