Had my last exam for this semester! Yay! I later googled the text and it was part of the Egil's Saga, the teacher just exchanged the names 😆
And now for some relaxation 🍹
Had my last exam for this semester! Yay! I later googled the text and it was part of the Egil's Saga, the teacher just exchanged the names 😆
And now for some relaxation 🍹
Uncertain how to read this one because the culture that produced it is so alien to me. Many times characters jump at each other's throats - and I have no idea why. Is Egil meant to be honorable or moral in any way? Not sure.
Fairly difficult to follow due to the large numbers of characters (often with the same name) combined with the necessity of keeping everyone's familial relationships straight. I failed more than I succeeded.
"Then Egil spewed a torrent of vomit that gushed all over Arnold's face, filing his eyes and nostrils and mouth and pouring down his beard and chest. Arnold was close to choking, and when he managed to let out his breath, a jet of vomit gushed out with it."