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Animal Disguises
Animal Disguises | Emma Ryan
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Looks at different animals that use camouflage to keep themselves hidden from danger or to help them capture prey.
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Animal Disguises | Emma Ryan
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This Nonfiction book, TS's include IR, SR, GR, PR & LC; would be useful in some classroom activities, and also informative for some children who are super interested in certain animals. This book has a load of information that can easily be incorporated into a lesson, and goes into a variety of animals that can camouflage into their environment. A very simple and easy read, for younger children especially.

JordanL http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/lesson-plans/investigating-ani... This lesson works with not only this book, but other Nonfiction animal books as it allows students to research and animal of their choice, which this book can be a valuable resource for camouflages and why they need it (hunting or hiding) 7y
JordanL UDL 1.3 would be nice, and can go with a video to showcase and elaborate on camouflages and why they are used. Usage of ESOL strategy 45 can be used for comparing the reasons why animals use those camouflages and have a visual resource to refer to. #UCFLAE3414SP18 7y
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