This weekend we finished our re-watch of series 10 with Twice Upon A Time. And with series 11 debuting on Sunday, this is the last #DrWhosday of the Moffat/Capaldi era. Bring on Jodie Whittaker!
This weekend we finished our re-watch of series 10 with Twice Upon A Time. And with series 11 debuting on Sunday, this is the last #DrWhosday of the Moffat/Capaldi era. Bring on Jodie Whittaker!
AAAAAAAAAAAA NEED THIS BOOK! It's a novelization of Peter Capaldi's regeneration episode with a retro Target Books cover!
Peter Capaldi gets the send off he deserves, and Steven Moffat redeems himself for Matt Smith's appalling swan song by writing a truly wonderful Doctor exit script. Toss in a great William Hartnell impression by David Bradley, a good Mark Gatiss performance, and the return of Pearl Mackie's gone-too-soon Bill Potts (plus a great debut scene for Jodie Whittaker), and Twice Upon a Time is a Doctor Who Christmas special for the ages!