Third in his Merrily Watkins series with the usual pagan frolickings on the Welsh border. I found it all got a bit convoluted plotwise, though it was enjoyable enough.
Third in his Merrily Watkins series with the usual pagan frolickings on the Welsh border. I found it all got a bit convoluted plotwise, though it was enjoyable enough.
Merrily Watkins, single mum vicar/exorcist for the Herefordshire diocese is an unlikely crime buster but she is a great character and in this the 3rd in the series the plots and characters really blossom. Here a pagan couple move into a disused church in a border village, while a charismatic evangelistic preacher appears at the same time. Merrily, fresh from appearing on a TV vox pop like prog abt religion is sent by her Bishop into the chaos.
Wie lange dauert es bis die Geschichte in Fahrt kommt?bin seite52 und eigentlich ist noch nichts passiert. Bin ich zu verwöhnt?
“Betty was determined to keep the lid on the cauldron for as long as possible, which might just - the way she‘d been feeling lately - mean for ever.”
#10of365 #openingline #bookcover #notpiratesockmonkey