The NF book, From Caterpillar to Butterfly, focuses on the life cycle of a butterfly and all the ins and outs that come with the big transformation! This book would be best presented in a CR as students reinforce their knowledge on the cycle. #UCFLAE3414F19
TristanPool https://www.education.com/lesson-plan/life-cycle-of-a-butterfly/ is a perfect lesson plan as it dives more into the transformation from Caterpillar to Butterfly using a graphic and key words. UDL 5.2 with EL 30 offers students with the ability to construct aids to identify the provided concept of transforming from a small caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly. 5y
alexblanco This would be a great book to read because it incorporates language arts and science! You could also get caterpillars and watch them grow into butterflies for a fun project for this book. 5y
Jewelwinkler This book would be great for students to learn about how transformations happen within people as well. I really like NF books about animals because it really ties into the core subject of science. 5y
kgarzon Picture books that explicitly show scientific processes such as a caterpillar becoming a butterfly are a great choice for the classroom! 5y
DrSpalding This post seems to be missing a few required elements. 5y