Although I picked up the book twice and gave up once, surprisingly, it turned out to be a rather good book. I have my daughter to thank for convincing me to stick with it. And I believe, if you stick with it, you won't be disappointed. 4 stars!
Although I picked up the book twice and gave up once, surprisingly, it turned out to be a rather good book. I have my daughter to thank for convincing me to stick with it. And I believe, if you stick with it, you won't be disappointed. 4 stars!
What are your favorite books of all time? Obviously excluding Harry Potter, these are mine:
1. Flatland
2-4. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series (really anything by Douglas Adams)
5. Slaughterhouse Five (or anything by Kurt Vonnegut)
6. The Great Ship of Knowledge
7. Blink
8-9. Go Set A Watchman (and To Kill A Mockingbird but someone is borrowing my copy)
10. Cloud Atlas (the movie was not good, but the book is amazing)