6. Cross examiner. Reason of insanity plea. ICE agent. Murderer. Eye witness.
7. (The)Confession Tapes. Real Detective. (The)Innocent Man. Making a Murderer. Evil Genius.
8. Camping. Riding in taxi. Inside mom's house. Movie ticket shows time. Eating at restaurant.
9. Choked. Run over. Interred while still alive. Metal pipe hit over head. Eviscerated.
10. Clever. Rage filled. Insane. Magnetic. Evil.
(2/2) @Clwojick #teamslaughter #scarathlon
Here are my answers for the first half of Murder Scattegories! I couldn‘t think of an answer to two of them, and I was even thinking pretty “outside the box”... see endophonium systemic answer for murder weapon. 😂😂😂 GO #TeamSlaughter!