Congratulations to @JenlovesJT47 for reaching another awesome milestone ❤️ She's #payingitforward and hosting a #myfavethingsgiveaway
I don't have a favourite novel, but these are my favourite graphic novels/comic books! I always reach for them whenever I'm having a bad day. Their totally inappropriate jokes ALWAYS make me laugh.
Have any of my fellow Littens read any of these comic books?
JenlovesJT47 #myfavethingsgiveaway - don't want to forget you! 7y
WarpedSweetness I haven't read them, but I follow them on FB and they're so funny. 7y
JenlovesJT47 These look cool, I need to look into some new graphic novels. 7y
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Clwojick @JenlovesJT47 hahaha thanks! I just finished editing to include it. I couldn't remember the tag. 🙈🙈🙈 7y
JenlovesJT47 No worries!! 🤗 7y
Linear Ive followed the creators website since inseption. And i have the card game, its what we played while waiting for irma to pass lol 7y
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