Loved this duet!
So emotional and heart breaking 💔💔
With crazy stress at work, three dance rehearsals a week, costumes, props, and raffle prizes to make, plus two online history classes, something had to fall by the wayside. That was reading. 😔 However, these books totally sucked me in and the second one I stayed up until 3am reading. #bestofseptember #fallintobooks
Ugh! That was one hell of an ending. Now I want to start the second book, but I have dance classes to go to, so I can't until later.
If it weren't for all the crazy work hours lately, I would've read this book #covertocover. I was immediately drawn in, but my sleep patterns have been off & I fall asleep every time I try to read lately. I have 80 pages left, but have to go to work soon. So it'll have to wait until tomorrow. #fallintobooks
Waited all day to snuggle up and read this.... good so far
Hmmm. I'm not sure how I feel about this one. Unfortunately, I never fully connected with the characters, tragic as their pasts may be, and I saw the twist at the end coming from the first chapter. I'll probably read the sequel though just to see how it turns out.