The cover of the first volume depicts Miss Temple, the second depicts Cardinal Chang. Poor Dr. Svenson gets no love.
Here is a review of both volumes by Denise: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1099337921
The cover of the first volume depicts Miss Temple, the second depicts Cardinal Chang. Poor Dr. Svenson gets no love.
Here is a review of both volumes by Denise: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1099337921
This is the end result of #13inthree for me. I did better than I thought I would at almost 9 hours. I could have possibly read a bit more, but I finished the tagged book around 10pm, and didn't feel like starting another yet. My goal was to finish the book anyway for #MtTBRchallenge. 😁 Fun fact, most of the 242 pgs I read this weekend was the last chapter in the book. Crazy, right? And yeah, I'm a slow reader, especially with 2 yr olds around.
1. 🖒
2. Other than a quick trip to Walmart, not really. We've had bad luck with Memorial Day plans in the past, so we stopped trying to do anything special.
3. Ribs (which hubby cooked tonight) and macaroni salad (which we didn't have tonight)
#manicmonday @JoScho
Blurbs, who reads them? I'm pretty sure Douglas Adams has some crazy blurbs on his books, but they are elsewhere. I did find some good ones though. Hope you can read them. I think maybe my favourites are "However, Jeremy Leven will be lynched if they ever catch him." and "Has a delightful whiff of decaying books and a strong pinch of sulphur." #bestblurbs #seasonsreadings2016