7 short-ish stories about each of the Endless. Variable in quality: some good stories, some difficult to read fonts, some incomprehensible artwork
7 short-ish stories about each of the Endless. Variable in quality: some good stories, some difficult to read fonts, some incomprehensible artwork
Thank you @Jas16 for the amazing #giveaway!
When it comes to literary siblings, I have to give it up for my favorite dysfunctional septet: The Endless of the Sandman series. Destiny, Death, Dream, Destruction, Desire, Despair, and Delirium are ancient gods embodying the forces that drive humanity. I can never choose a favorite; I love them all.
Art by Marc Hempel
For years, I considered this volume interesting but nonessential; an opinion I've revised as of Reread the Fifth.
ENDLESS NIGHTS is a collection of seven stories, one for each Endless, that may or may not enrich your understanding of the series' mythos. More than that, it's a bloody superb artists' showcase and a chance to revisit old haunts. I'll rec it with more enthusiasm going forward. #comics
Perhaps the best thing about rereading SANDMAN after a six-year gap is that I've since encountered several of the one-off artists in other series and become attached to them. Like, here's Bill Sienkiewicz! I know his NEW MUTANTS work well, but I forgot he did the Delirium story in ENDLESS NIGHTS. And of course he's perfect for it. #comics
I think of this portrait of Despair every time I make any sort of Stuff I Like list, because there's always this MOMENT where I forget everything I've ever enjoyed and I'm scared I won't be able to list anything at all. Then the moment passes, and I produce a perfectly respectable collection of happinesses. #comics
And now, chocolate chili chai plus gorgeous art by Miguelanxo Prado. #comics
Tonight's poorly-lit reading plan. Gonna wallow in some comics, then devour a goodly chunk of an epic fantasy.
When people try to draw you into their drama...
"If this is your first encounter with the world of the Sandman, it is worth bearing in mind that the Endless are not gods, for when people cease to believe in gods they cease to exist. But as long as there are people to live and dream and destroy, to desire, to despair, to delight or go mad, to live lives and affect each other, then the Endless will be there, performing their functions. They do not care a jot whether or not you believe in them."
My first experience with The Sandman. All I can say is wow!