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Dragon's Green
Dragon's Green: Worldquake Sequence | Scarlett Thomas
'Some people think opening a book is a simple thing. It's not. Most people don't realise that you can get truly lost in a book. You can. Especially you.' After the worldquake, magic is seeping into our world Effie Truelove is a new pupil at the Tusitala School for the Gifted, Troubled and Strange, with its twisted grey spires and an English teacher so frightening she gives the class nightmares. When her beloved grandfather is brutally attacked, Effie promises to look after his magical books. But when shady book-collector Leonard Levar gets his hands on them and Effie has to embark on the most dangerous adventure of her life . . . Effie must travel to the mysterious Otherworld, unlock the hidden meaning of an old book called Dragon's Green, and brave the terrifying Diberi, a secret organisation with plans that could destroy the entire universe. But Effie can't face the Diberi alone. Can her new school-friends Maximilian, Wolf, Lexy and Raven combine their gifts and discover their true powers in time?
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A cute story about the power of friendship and imagination, about discovering who you are and what you are capable of, all wrapped up in an adventure that's child friendly. I'm definitely a little older than the target audience, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

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This Daily Deal in the U.K. looks very interesting.

Birdsong28 Thanks for the tag but I ended my membership as I was struggling to find something to spend my credit on so I don't get access to daily deals now. I will resume when I find something that I really want to listen to, so I'm using this time to get my audiobook TBR down. @Andrew65 6y
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I wanted to love this but it seemed a little too pleased with itself. It's a wonderful adventure with some interesting characters but it lacks the charm of Harry Potter or Nevermoor. Still a good read but I'm won't be seeking out the next instalment.

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1. Physical (my kindle gets a lot of love when I'm on holidays)
2. Heroes (the struggle to do the right thing when it's easier to be bad is infinitely more interesting to me)
3. Trilogies
4. The Hating Game 😍
5. Dragons Green
6. I can spend hours in used bookshops ♥️
7. Books that draw you in with wit, lush descriptions & relatable narrators
8. Improper English
9. The Hobbit
10. Me, Earl & the Dying Girl
11. Always 😅🙈

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Morning reading. (Her first children's book!) 🐉 📚❤️

bookslesstravelled Its beautiful! 😍 7y
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"Books are used to having their meanings shaped in these ways by readers."

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"These people seemed to like spouting things in that way adults do when they are quoting Great Works of Literature"