Book number 47 of my year! And although my book mail did NOT arrive today as expected I will begin this book. I am on beer number 4 now so who knows how much reading I‘ll actually get done 😆🍻 here goes nothing!
Book number 47 of my year! And although my book mail did NOT arrive today as expected I will begin this book. I am on beer number 4 now so who knows how much reading I‘ll actually get done 😆🍻 here goes nothing!
If you have never read any of her books, I recommend you do. Especially this one.
Bianca is a typical teenager, easily manipulated and very quick with the attitude. I was not a huge fan of her character at the start of this read. She redeems herself as the tale weaves along. She has a strong fortitude and intellect which shows itself the more you get to know her. Full review here https://reecaspieces.com/2017/03/22/expecting-to-die-by-lisa-jackson/
If you want a mystery solved by some kick-ass female detectives, give Jackson‘s To Die series a try. ~Jennifer