Dr. Tavel is a physician specializing in internal medicine and cardiology. Now retired, he managed patients for many years and held a faculty position (clinical professor) at Indiana University School of Medicine, regularly instructing medical trainees at all levels. While the general public clamors for good, sound medical advice, they often find that advice from companies that sell products on television, or from individuals who promote treatments stemming from self-serving agendas. Information obtained this way is often faulty, unbalanced, and, sadly, blatantly fraudulent. Surrounded by all this noise, mainstream physicians are seldom heard from; moreover, few are willing to devote the time necessary to expose those ubiquitous misconceptions and to provide countering advice stemming from sound scientific research. Making matters even more treacherous are the various branches of "alternative medicine" that feature untested or worthless treatments, placing patients at risk of being exploited, losing their money, and damaging their health. Although such alternative methods are largely employed by non-conventional and unlicensed practitioners, occasional wayward "real" doctors step across these boundaries and promote dubious methods to large audiences on television and other media. Dr. Tavel now steps across those boundaries in his latest hard-hitting work of medically sound advice and insights: 1.Tips about health and wellness that can be incorporated into one's daily life that, hopefully, will create a healthier and longer physical outlook, less waste of money, and maybe even lower body weight (if you are one of those many with excess fat storage). 2. The second section concerns the subject of Myths, that is, common misconceptions about almost anything regarding our physical makeup and how we relate to the world around us. 3. The final section, Tricks, is devoted to various stratagems that are designed to take your money in exchange for useless--or dangerous--Snake Oil products or information. Despite the division into three sections, there is in fact much overlap, because if one believes many of the myths, this may cause one to forego measures (tips) that may have afforded better health. On the other hand, mythical beliefs may cause us to fall easy prey to those dreaded scams, and the Snake Oil that we all desire to avoid. Dr. Tavel has drawn from an eclectic collection of material that includes his personal biomedical background, scientific publications, media reports deemed accurate, and many other trustworthy sources from the most reliable, and scientifically documented information.
(less)Dr. Tavel is a physician specializing in internal medicine and cardiology. Now retired, he managed patients for many years and held a faculty position (clinical professor) at Indiana University School of Medicine, regularly instructing