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The Turning Season
The Turning Season | Sharon Shinn
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As the national bestselling Shifting Circle series continues, a woman must choose between hiding her natureand risking her heart... For Karadel, being a shape-shifter has always been a reality she couldnt escape. Even though shes built a safe life as a rural veterinarian, with a close-knit network of shifter and human friends who would do anything for her, she cant help but wish for a chance at being normal. When shes not dealing with her shifts or caring for her animal patients, she attempts to develop a drug that will help shifters control their changesa drug that might even allow them to remain human forever. But her comfortable life is threatened by two events: She meets an ordinary man who touches her heart, and her best friend is forced to shift publicly with deadly consequences. Now Karadel must decide whom to trust: her old friends or her new love.
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The Turning Season | Sharon Shinn
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I took this pic yesterday morning on the way out the door to work. The first morning with snow on the ground is magical. But today I am appreciating it even more since it's a weekend morning and I can cozy up with a book and tea inside. ☕

BookishMarginalia Gorgeous pic! 7y
tpixie Lovely 😊 7y
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llwheeler @tpixie Thanks ☺ 7y
DebinHawaii Great pic! 👍 7y
LeahBergen So pretty!! 7y
Andrea4 The leaves are so pretty now- they are frost bitten and so there veins are standing out more. 7y
llwheeler @Andrea4 😍 i got some pics this aft of evergreen needles with snow. Maybe tomorrow i'll go on a walk to get other leaf pics 7y
Andrea4 I bet those will turn out nice! 7y
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The Turning Season | Sharon Shinn
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Tagged by @Erika13137 for #bookcolortag with the colour orange so here are some orange books! I've even read most of them! (Okay half of them - 5 read, 4 unread in this stack).

I won't tag people but if you want to play and haven't been tagged already, consider yourself tagged. Colour... green 🐊