Anyone else watched this movie? I read the book several years ago, but couldn‘t remember much about it. Which became obvious, because the movie, esp. the ending, really took me by surprise. Very dark and disturbing, but good.
Anyone else watched this movie? I read the book several years ago, but couldn‘t remember much about it. Which became obvious, because the movie, esp. the ending, really took me by surprise. Very dark and disturbing, but good.
‘Bleak‘ is how I‘ll remember Back Roads.
After everything that happens to Harley & his family, I was so desperate for something good, ANY ray of light, the ending, while far from happy, was a relief.
I found this book because I saw the movie trailer & I like to read a book before its movie. The movie is almost scene for scene from the book except movie has a different (even unhappier) ending. And they should‘ve cast someone younger as Harley.
“It would make sense. Prison was a reflection of real life, and it had always seemed to me that once a woman had a kid nothing else mattered about her. Being a dad might describe a man, but being a mom defined a woman.” -Harley, p. 44
If you want to read a book about a dysfunctional family, this is quite the GEM!
P.S... I‘m re-reading all of OPRAH‘S BOOKCLUB books because I read all of them in my early 20‘s and needed a refresher! Loving every moment 😊
My ever-growing stack. Plus dozens on my kindle. Trying to finish The Notorious RBG and Between the World and Me this week on my kindle, as well as Back Roads. #TBRTuesday
This was the 1st book that made me want to write novels. To this day, it's still my go-to recommendation for anyone looking for a good dark page-turner.