Unbeknownst to be, this is a coming out novella written in 1927. It starts kind of slow, but then draws the reader in quickly.
Unbeknownst to be, this is a coming out novella written in 1927. It starts kind of slow, but then draws the reader in quickly.
I have written a longish review in my blog. Is it okay to post blog links here?
Anyways Zweig was a genius.
Third book of my #journeyaroundtheworld !
It's not in the alphabetical order actually, but since I was going to Vienna, I had to make an exception. So, the second country is Austria!
It isn't my first Zweig, I read "Schachnovelle" in school, and in German. But it's always a pleasure to read this author. If you haven't yet, jump in!
Just finished this little dark gem of a novella about forbidden love and suppressed sexuality. Starts slowly (and a bit wordy) but builds into a moving tale of torturous emotions. After a gently paced beginning, which took a little while to get into, it really grips you and forms one of the most vivid depictions of a mans struggle with his sexuality I‘ve read.