Another KU book. I enjoyed this. It really read true on how mother/daughter relationships are so very complex! At times the characters were down right unlikable but despite that the read was compelling.
Another KU book. I enjoyed this. It really read true on how mother/daughter relationships are so very complex! At times the characters were down right unlikable but despite that the read was compelling.
Sometimes straining into the melodramatic, particularly in dialogue, this book is nevertheless an exploration into some complicated, often unlikeable women. We follow the Emrosa family, Sephardi (Spanish ancestry) Jews living in Jerusalem between the Great War and the 1970s. There's a lot of torrid history, obviously, plus a torrid domestic drama revolving around a family curse where husbands don't love their wives. Engrossing narrative. #JewLit
Absolutely lyrical. A magical portrait of Jerusalem from the time of Turkish occupation through the 1970s. Ending was a little disappointing--rushed and a bit unsatisfying--but the rest of the book was so exquisite I still rate it as an amazing read.
?☕???? #ReadingEquipment #ReadJanuary
For me, this is all I need:
?Comfy reading spot - my LoveSac sofa!❤
?Good lighting!?
?A warm fuzzy blanket to curl up in.
?A hot beverage- currently this is tea, but sometimes it's coffee or hot chocolate. ?☕?
?Paperclip- it's my place holder aka "bookmark"??
Reading raves.A novel about mothers daughters family relations .Gorgeous title &cover💕